Priceless Moments

I think we can all agree that with writing comes some very pleasurable and satisfying moments. Some of the most simple ones for me are; when typing on a typewriter and all you can hear is the neat wrap of typeslugs against the platen or the small pile of paper you have at the end. I don’t write long-hand, though it is something I would like to try, but for anyone who does, is it more rewarding than writing on a computer?

In the last few weeks, there have been a few moments for me that stood out. As I said in my last post, I have been writing at least one line of prose every day and I can honestly say that it has worked a treat. Just last weekend I made it to 12,000 words! This for me is was a huge milestone – 10,000 would have been bigger but I didn’t realize I had made it that far because all my chapters are on separate word documents. This 12,000 words also meant the end of Chapter 3 which I have been stuck on for quite some time. I was finding it hard to write and keep it varied because the start of the novel is purposely repetitive. The character whose chapter this belonged to was one I hadn’t really looked into as deeply as the others so finding their voice was a lot harder. However, when I finally found their voice, as with the other characters, it became easier and I was able to get on with the story.

Talking about Chapter 3 – and no, I’m not going to give anything away – something happened that has never happened before. So there I was tapping away at my laptop; I’d worked my way through the checklist (because that’s how I write. I make a checklist for the chapter so I don’t forget anything and anything extra I add in is a bonus) and I was on the last stretch; coming up to the ending that had been going around my head for age and in that moment I put it down in words…I shivered. A shiver shot up my spine; the same shiver I get every time Bolt saves Penny from the burning film studio. I don’t know why. I think it had something to do with the fact that, in terms of the novel, it marked the moment when everything changes and something huge is about to happen. Or maybe because it meant that the beginning was finished and now the bulk of the novel gets to follow. Anyhow, regardless of why, that moment was very special.

So next is Chapter 4 which marks the introduction of the fourth and final main character, possibly the most titular of them all. I’m looking forward to figuring out how best to bring out their character in words. I’ll let you know how I get on.

Have you had a moment when writing that was was special to you? I’d love to hear what pleasures writing gives you guys.

See ya

Author: A Road to Writing

Typewriter obsessed romantic who can think of nothing better than writing, coffee, music, and the odd remedial shot of tequila.

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